seguro r.c de administradores y directivos

Ibañez Broker


The new more demanding laws and the financial crisis affect senior officials and advisors who, in certain cases, can even be forced to answer with their OWN personal assets in a time where law suits are more and more numerous.

Secure object

We offer protection against PERSONAL responsibility and economic losses as a result of incorrect or negligent actions, allegedly committed while carrying out your duties. Our insurance guarantees the payment of the compensations by those who face public liability while protecting those personal assets from the entrepreneurial charges.

Main Benefits

Compensations, defence expenses both in civil AND criminal proceedings, deposits or setting expenses to guarantee the public liability or to obtain provisional release. There is a possibility of extending it to heirs and spouses.

To hire our services, please fill in our form from the contact section.

Somos expertos en Diseño y Gestión de Programas aseguradores para grandes colectivos como clubes de clientes, asociaciones, empresas de telecomunicaciones, compañías del sector metal, etc.

Diseño y desarrollo web: Eurosíntesis
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